Steam Support does not reach out to people by Steam chat or Discord. Anyone approaching you that says they're from Steam Support (or SteamRep) and asks for your account information or items is a scammer.
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SteamRep API  

If you'd like to get an API key to use with the SteamRep plugin, post the following information on the SteamRep forum:

Gameserver ip(s):
Gameserver port(s):
Trading Community name and/or website:
SteamRep page of Server Admin:

The API key will be assigned per server, and can only be used on the IP address it is assigned to. Depending on the number of servers you want to protect, you need to request that amount of API keys.
In our current stage, this API key request page is for the SteamRep plugin only.

We ask that you please put a link/logo back to SteamRep on your community's site. If you do not have a site please put one on your MOTD in-game.

Valve and Steam are registered trademarks of Valve Corporation.
SteamRep is hosted by the non-profit Online Fraud Prevention Foundation and is not affiliated with Valve in any way.