Changelog: 1.1.5 (11/17/2012): Added sr_checkip. (Include IP address of connecting players in query. Set to 0 to disable.) Will allow for an upcoming feature of checking the IP of a connecting player. Fixed a color inconsistency when sr_scammer is set to 0. Now using 1.1.4 (4/21/2012): Removed sr_api. There is now no more need for an API key to run this plugin. Removed sr_tags. Created a new way of excluding tags that you DO NOT trust. Added sr_exclude. The plugin now trusts all tags except for the tags you enter here. 1.1.3 (1/7/2012): Added ability to trust EE tag. Changed to BIG MOTD. 1.1.2 (8/23/11): Created a way for server admins to select which community-SCAMMER tags they trust (sr_tags). Added !rep command. It does the same thing as !sr. 1.1.1 (8/14/11): Some more bugfixes. Added a kick in the event a scammer tries to remove [SCAMMER] label. Removed some timers for better performance when sr_scammer is set to 0. 1.1.0 (8/11/11): Bugfixes. 1.0.9 (8/6/11): Changed to check userid to make sure an improper user isn't queried. (Thanks Bottiger) Added sr_kick_renamed_scammers cvar to kick a scammer when the server is full. (Thanks Bottiger) Removed a check that allowed scammers to skip the tag when chatting. 1.0.8 (7/31/11): Added a public api key daily limited to 100 queries so that server operators can test the plugin before requesting a key. Getting an api key will allow a much higher limit to the queries and is highly recommended. Changed sr_version to sr_checker_version to not conflict with other plugin. Edited timer on rename to prevent rapid changes to name in order to avoid the [SCAMMER] tag when using sr_scammer 0. 1.0.7 (7/28/11): Eliminated query for bots. Created potential for whitelisting. ( Feature Request ) Add an admin override for "SkipSR" in your admin_overrides.cfg file and assign it to whatever flag you want to whitelist. Added sr_version cvar to keep better tracking of which version a server is using. Added error catching for someone running sm_sr from rcon. 1.0.6 (7/24/11): Changed query string to match new api system. Added new mode for handling scammers (sr_scammer 0) that simply renames them with a [SCAMMER] tag. This was made for server operators to evaluate the accuracy of SteamRep, so they can make a decision on how they would like to handle the reported Scammers. Added sm_sr (!sr /sr) command. This will open up your MOTD panel to the SteamRep page of your target (either the player you type or the person you are aiming at). Added a bool array for simplicity and the potential for creating native functions in the future. 1.0.5 (7/19/11): Original public release.