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SteamRep Profile Overview

Reputation Status

Caution Reputation
Added 4654 days ago
Banned Friends: 5
Joined Steam: 2008-12-06
Steam Level: --
Friendship: Sign in to check
Online Status: --
Profile Privacy: Public
Trade Ban: None
VAC Ban: None
Community Ban: ---
| steamname: Prodelki_Vashey_Mamashi | steam3ID: [U:1:43443088] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:21721544 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep:

Additional Info from Administrators

18:06 - Vintage Cobra: hi
18:06 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: hello
18:06 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: can you unban me on unusual hat club?
18:06 - Vintage Cobra: first of all, I don't even know who you are
18:07 - Vintage Cobra: second of all, I don't unban people just because they add me and ask for it
18:07 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: i can give you a 1 hat
18:07 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: for it
18:07 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: my nickname is Grc
18:07 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: i can give you a link
18:07 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: se
18:07 - Grc^ mix/merc ;]: sec
18:08 - Vintage Cobra: are you seriously trying to bribe me?
18:08 - Vintage Cobra: don't ever even think of adding me and pulling that shit on me.
Grc^ mix/merc ;] is now Offline.


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