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SteamRep Donators List

Support SteamRep

SteamRep is provided by the Online Fraud Prevention Foundation, a non-profit organization. The site would not be possible without contributions from people like you. Thank you so much for supporting the fight against fraud.

Donate via PayPal

To donate to the Foundation and be recognized as a SteamRep Donator, you need to create an account on and visit the Donation Upgrades page. If you have any problems or questions, please post them here.

If you want to provide a donation without receiving recognition on your Steam profile, visit the OFPF donation page.

Donate via other methods

Right now, our system only accepts donations via PayPal, but check back soon and other options may be available.

Valve and Steam are registered trademarks of Valve Corporation.
SteamRep is hosted by the non-profit Online Fraud Prevention Foundation and is not affiliated with Valve in any way.